Each class ( whose instance will go into the container) must implement at least the copy constructor ( it is good to implement also the assignment operator. 每个类(其实例要在容器内使用)必须至少实现拷贝构造函数(实现赋值运算符,也是好习惯)。
No checking& cleaning of container. Have evidence showing operator do not protect cartons. 没有检查及清洁货柜,有证据显示员工对货物不保护。
Erxin Yao, managing director for China of OOCL, the Hong Kong-based container shipping line and logistics operator, says both better infrastructure and better management are needed. 香港集装箱班轮和物流运营商东方海外(oocl)的董事总经理姚尔馨表示,更好的基础设施和更好的管理都是必需的。
Its headquarters are at Hongkong International terminals, the world's largest and busiest privately-owned container terminal operator. 总公司香港国际货柜码头有限公司是全球最大规模的私营货柜码头经营商。
Container Crane Training Simulator is the high-tech production, integrating virtual reality technology, computer simulation technology and communication technology. It is developed to train the operator. 岸边集装箱起重机仿真训练器是以训练为主要目的的集虚拟现实技术、计算机仿真技术、通讯技术于一体的高科技产品。
No matter the diversification of the source of the data, will enter the database in this container finally, in order to let the front operator dispatch. 不论数据来源的多样化,最终必将进入数据库这一容器中,以待前端操作人员的调度。
A general survey on container leasing operator's maritime lien a comparative study on maritime liens and mortgages between 1993 Convention and the Maritime Code of the people's Republic of China 集装箱营运人的船舶优先权浅析关于船舶优先权和抵押权的比较研究&《1993年船舶优先权和抵押权国际公约》与我国《海商法》的有关规定
The efficiency and safety of container loading and unloading are important factors of container shipping. So we need to strengthen the training of crane operator to develop their operation technique. 集装箱吊装的效率和安全是制约集装箱运输效率和安全的重要因素,因此,需要加强起重机操作人员的培训,提高其业务水平。
With the prior knowledge of the container number of the region, canny edge detection operator, dilation and erosion are used to find the number region. 本文结合集装箱号码区域的先验知识,采用了canny算子边缘检测方法、膨胀腐蚀方法确定号码区域。
Coupled with increased demand for speed to market, the container terminal ( CT) operator faces constant pressure to reduce turnaround time and increase flow efficiency. 随着对于市场的发展速度的需求,集装箱码头面临着越来越多的压力,一方面是减少周转时间,另一方面是提高货物的流通效率。